Grant Awards 2012-R1 Published on 27th February 2012


 Grant Awards 03-02-2012

 Dunnet Forestry Trust – Dunnet Forest Woodland Shelter.

 A Grant of up to £14,248 awarded towards the construction of a log cabin woodland shelter in Dunnet Forest. 

  Wick Harbourfest Committee – Wick Diamond Jubilee Harbourfest 2012

 A Grant of up to £20,000 awarded towards a three day Wick Diamond Jubilee Harbourfest event to be held at Wick harbour in June 2012.

 Caithness Biodiversity Group – Planting the Future, A Therapeutic Garden at Ormlie

 A Grant of up to £7,035 awarded towards creating a plant nursery and therapeutic garden at Ormlie in Thurso.

 Bettyhill Village Hall Committee – Bettyhill Village Hall Performance Improvements.

 A Conditional Grant of up to £4,492.00 awarded towards improvements to the performance facilities of the Bettyhill village hall to provide an improved venue for social and cultural events and performances as well as refurbish the village hall toilet facilities.

 Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival – NNCCMF 2012

 A Conditional Grant of up to £10,000 awarded towards financial loss for hire and transportation costs to transform the Halkirk venue into a festival arena for NNCCMF three day country music festival.

 Latheron Lybster & Clyth Community Development Company – South East Caithness 2012 Development Project.

 A Grant of up to £29,850 awarded for 1 year for a Development Manager post to continue LLCCDC activities to install a community owned wind farm, develop its community & business resource, promote C02 reduction and renewable energy and develop a community woodland. 

Caithness Citizens Advice Bureau – Volunteer Recruitment & Support Project 

A Grant of up to £11,444 awarded towards a Volunteer Recruitment & Support Project for two part-time recruitment officers to recruit and support additional volunteer staff for CCAB Wick and Thurso Offices.

 Thrumster Park Regeneration Fund – Thrumster Multi Sports Area Project 

A Conditional Grant of up to £5,000 towards improvements to Thrumster park tennis court area to incorporate a wide range of sporting activities such as football, netball, basketball, hockey and cricket to form a multi sports area.