CNSFund 2021 AGM Report Published on 17th November 2021

The CNSFund 2021 AGM Report can be downloaded from the following link: -


Chairperson's Report

It gives me great pleasure to present my report for 2021, which is the 10th year of the Fund’s operation.

Since our last AGM report, the Fund has continued as usual and held four assessment meetings.  We assessed fourteen applications and awarded £193,345.13 to thirteen community projects.  These are wide ranging innovative ideas brought to us from every area, to enhance and improve the community experience.

Compared to previous years however there has been a decrease in the level of applications and consequently money that has been committed.  This has mostly been as a direct result of the pandemic and we are led to believe that other funding bodies have noted the same downturn.

In addition to the usual meetings, the Board undertook a review of its processes as we felt we needed to update ourselves.  As a result, it has helped to ensure that everyone involved with the Fund is comfortable and clear on all of our operating procedures.  A Facebook page has been established and a poster campaign is ongoing to raise widespread awareness of our existence.

As part of the review, we also introduced a 12-month moratorium on all organisations who had applied to us three or more times since our inception.  The purpose of this was to encourage other groups who had not previously applied and to ensure that as many groups as possible in the area can benefit.  We plan to review this policy in April.

We were recently audited and the findings continue to be consistently good, showing a well-run operation.  Our feedback from applicants also continues on a positive note.

Over the summer, we carried out an open recruitment process for candidates to fill a vacancy that had arisen. The directors were very grateful for all the interest shown and the outcome has resulted in Kayleigh Nicolson being nominated for election as an appointed director at this year’s AGM.

I would like to thank Mary-Jane Statham, June Love DSRL and David Wallace NDA who are always supportive in their roles as Observers.  I also thank them for providing use of DSRL’s conference call provision which has allowed us to conduct our meetings in a safe manner during these worrying times.  A mention should also go to Louise Calder who helped design our new poster.

In many ways this has been a difficult year all round.  Understandably, folk are very wary of the virus and volunteers have become weary.  A different perspective and method of working has made many people uneasy.  However hopefully with time, momentum will build again and we can look forward to a raft of exciting projects being brought to our Fund.

As chair, I would like to thank former chairs who made my transition into this role much easier.  Listening to and learning from them has taught me a lot.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the present board members for their support and diligence over the past year and their enabling outlook on projects which has been a joy and privilege to be part of.

Thanks also goes to our staff David Shearer and Paula Davidson who have both continued to work from home.  Thankfully a few spells in the office have now been possible.  I would like to acknowledge their dedication and resilience during the current pandemic and the support they have given me in my new role.

Finally, I would like to thank the groups of volunteers who have given up their time to progress community ideas and bring their aspirations to fruition.  Without you all we simply could not operate.  Many difficulties arise around form filling, rising prices and I know it is very difficult to keep one step ahead.  However, we are here to assist at every stage and I ask you to keep coming, keep dreaming and build a better future for us all.

Gillian Coghill - Chairperson.