PR - Grant Awards 2015-R2 Published on 26th June 2015


The CNSFund recently held its second assessment round for 2015 with eight voluntary/community projects being awarded a total of over £81k.  The latest round of grants sees investment throughout the Dounreay travel to work area with projects in Wick, Thurso, landward Caithness and East Sutherland benefitting.

One of the beneficiary groups was Wick Squash Club which was awarded a grant of £14k towards undertaking a refurbishment of its Clubhouse exterior.  Wick Squash Club Chairman David Craigie said “Wick Squash Club has been providing sports, fitness and social opportunities to the district of Wick for nearly 40 years. We are delighted to have received funding from CNSF. This funding goes a long way towards the total funding we require to carry out essential building repairs and continue to promote and grow the sport of squash for all age groups in the community.”  

[caption id="attachment_180" align="alignright" width="150"]Male Great Yellow Bumblebee (GYB) on Clover - Photo by Gordon Mackie Male Great Yellow Bumblebee (GYB) on Clover - Photo by Gordon Mackie[/caption]

The other beneficiaries were; Halkirk Village Council who were   awarded £20k towards a refurbishment programme of the Ross   Institute in Halkirk and The Bumblebee Conservation Trust who   saw £14,288 awarded towards its ‘Thurso-Gateway to the   Great Yellow’ project, a two year community engagement   programme to protect the rare Great Yellow Bumblebee.   Pulteneytown People’s Project were given a grant of £10k   towards costs to undertake alterations to the Pulteney Centre   for its Cinema for Wick project and Dunnet Forestry Trust   £9,850 towards its Woodchipper and Container project to   assist the Trust with managing its community woodland brash   and pathway maintenance.  Thurso Town Improvements   Association were awarded £7,402 towards its Thurso Christmas   Lights Display and Tanya Horne Dancers Committee were granted £4,188 towards new tracksuits and dance equipment.  Bunillidh Rowing Club were also awarded £1,710 towards costs to hold a community rowing regatta event in Helmsdale.

CNSFund Chairman John Henderson said “Since launching over three years ago, the CNSFund has consistently attracted a good level and range of applications from across the Dounreay travel to work area.  The impact of this investment can already be seen following the successful completion of a number of these supported projects.  We are pleased that communities are embracing this opportunity and look forward to continuing to support worthy proposals that enhance the attractiveness of Caithness & North Sutherland as a place to live work and invest.” 

The CNSFund was established to distribute a £4M funding package provided by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority as a result of the low-level waste facility built near Dounreay.  Grants are distributed in line with the NDA’s socio economic policy and applications are assessed quarterly.  Closing dates for applications and how to apply can be found at or by contacting CNSFund Coordinator David Shearer on  Tel: 07841 204 982.