Grant Awards 2014-R2 Published on 21st July 2014



Grant Awards 2014-R2

Rush Dance Studio Project


Towards the costs of a refurbishment programme of works to establish a dance studio in Thurso that will enable the group to provide increased classes, training, dance camps during school holidays as well as In-house performances and workshops


Laidhay Preservation Trust

Laidhay Museum Car Park Resurface Project


Towards the costs of resurfacing the Laidhay museum car park with a tarmac surface to provide a safe and suitable surface for visitors including those with mobility difficulties.


Scottish Ornithologists Club-Caithness Branch

Birds of Caithness Breeding & Wintering Atlas


Towards the costs of producing a Birds of Caithness Breeding & Wintering Atlas providing an essential reference document of local bird migration, trends, breeding, locations, statistics and projections.



Munsary Peatlands – Improving Visitor Experience Project


Towards the costs of a programme of access improvements to the Munsary Reserve, restoration of drystone dyke and production of a trail guide leaflet to make more of the reserve, improving its conservation status promoting the reserve as a feature of interest for visitors.