Grant Awards 2013-R2 Published on 25th June 2013


Grant Awards May 2013

Watten Improvements Group - Watten Play Area Refurbishment Project - £20,000.00

Towards refurbishment of the Watten Playpark area to replace its current old equipment with a range of new stimulating play equipment and safety surface.


1st Thurso Boys' Brigade - 1st Thurso Boys Brigade Hall Refurbishment Project - £19,000.00

Towards refurbishment of the Sir William Smith Memorial Hall situated at Couper Square, Thurso.


Advocacy Highland - Caithness Advocate Project - £17,140.85

Towards a two year project to provide a part-time paid advocate based in Caithness by identifying and training an appropriate paid advocate to promote the service within the Caithness community.


Caithness Agricultural Society - New Portable Toilets & Sheep Gates Project - £5,347.20

Towards purchase costs of Ten Portable Toilets and one Disabled/Baby Changing Toilet Unit and purchase costs of x30 Replacement Sheep Gates to be used for Caithness County Show and other agriculture shows.


Lyth Arts Centre - Lyth Residencies Development Project - £30,000.00

Towards a three year development project by creating a dedicated post of Residencies Development Officer which will develop and create multiple opportunities for local people to attend workshops and short courses led by professional artists, musicians and theatre companies.


Caithness Horizons - Year of Ancient Ancestors Festival 2014 - £10,000.00

Towards the “Year of Ancient Ancestors” festival which is a new year-long programme developed to interpret the Museum’s Collection of Pictish, Viking and Late Norse material and to celebrate and promote the unique Pictish and Norse heritage of Caithness.


Friends of Newton Hill Woodland - Derelict Crofthouse to Community Shelter Conversion Project - £16,500.00

Towards conversion of a derelict croft house situated at Newton Hill Woodland into a Community Cottage Shelter facility that will provide comfortable shelter/toilets/kitchenette facilities to users of the community woodland.